I am using SimpleXML to parse through a cXML document. I can't figure out how to access an attribute from the deepest element in the document. When I parse for the attribute "currency" in the xml snippet below it doesn't exist. I figured out that this only occurs on the deepest elements. Is there a way that I can parse this document using SimpleXML?
Example portion of an XML document I am attempting to parse.
<ItemOut name="ItemOut">
<ItemDetail name="ItemDetail">
<UnitPrice name="UnitPrice">
<Money currency="USD">12.99</Money>
I have tried using the json encode/decode way...
$json = json_encode($simpleXml);
$xmlArray = json_decode($json,TRUE);
and using SimpleXML object...
$xmlObject = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
Here is a picture of the
array structure of the parsed document.
I think you need to run
$xmlObject = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
$currency = $xmlObject-> ItemDetail -> UnitPrice -> Money -> attributes() -> currency;
That will read your currency attribute and return EUR
in your case