In the image below I have a navigation drawer successfully working and implemented with cosmic mind material swift library.
I am trying to figure out how to add a handler for touch events on any of the menu items, as i cant directly just chain the addTarget
method to a single menu item in the array of [MenuItem]
let normalMenuItems:[MenuItem] = [
MenuItem(title: "My Teeups", icon: UIImage.teeup!, selected: true),
MenuItem(title: "Discover", icon:!),
MenuItem(title: "Contacts", icon: UIImage.contacts!),
MenuItem(title: "Research", icon: UIImage.send!).addTarget(self, action: #selector(goToContacts), for: .touchUpInside),.divider,
MenuItem(title: "Settings", icon: UIImage.settings!),
MenuItem(title: "Help", icon:!),
MenuItem(title: "Send Feedback", icon:!)
Willing to remove if this is a duplicate, just really don't know what to google for this problem and haven't come across anything to help.
You need to set NavigationDrawerControllerDelegate where you have extend NavigationDrawerController then in the below method you will when user tap on any of the item
func navigationDrawerController(navigationDrawerController: NavigationDrawerController, didTapAt point: CGPoint, position: NavigationDrawerPosition) {
print("navigationDrawerController didTapAt: ", point, "with position:", .left == position ? "Left" : "Right")