
How to resuse a pyfftw object?

Perhaps it's just my misunderstanding, but how do you reuse a pyfftw object?

When I run something like the following code, img1_fft and img2_fft are the same despite receiving different input. When I uncomment the line that reconstructs the fftwObj, I get the desired output though.

inArray = pyfftw.empty_aligned(optimalSize, dtype='complex64')
inArray[ 0:img1.shape[0] , 0:img1.shape[1] ] = img1;
fftwObj =
img1_fft = fftwObj(inArray)

inArray = pyfftw.empty_aligned(optimalSize, dtype='complex64')
inArray[ 0:img2.shape[0] , 0:img2.shape[1] ] = img2;
# fftwObj =
img2_fft = fftwObj(inArray)

Am I doing something wrong since the whole point of "planning" was to not have to reconstruct pyfftw objects? I would like to just use the same pyfftw object (since all of my images are the same size) and just change the input to the object.


  • This is by design. There is no copy of the output array except explicitly, so img2_fft is img1_fft returns True.

    You can copy the output using .copy(), or you can explicitly set the output array from your own array.