I have a table containing details on my company's chart of accounts - this data is essentially stored in nested sets (on SQL Server 2014), with each record having a left and right anchor - there are no Parent IDs.
Sample Data:
ID LeftAnchor RightAnchor Name
1 0 25 Root
2 1 16 Group 1
3 2 9 Group 1.1
4 3 4 Account 1
5 5 6 Account 2
6 7 8 Account 3
7 10 15 Group 1.2
8 11 12 Account 4
9 13 14 Account 5
10 17 24 Group 2
11 18 23 Group 2.1
12 19 20 Account 1
13 21 22 Account 1
I need to materialize the path for each record, so that my output looks like this:
ID LeftAnchor RightAnchor Name MaterializedPath
1 0 25 Root Root
2 1 16 Group 1 Root > Group 1
3 2 9 Group 1.1 Root > Group 1 > Group 1.1
4 3 4 Account 1 Root > Group 1 > Group 1.1 > Account 1
5 5 6 Account 2 Root > Group 1 > Group 1.1 > Account 2
6 7 8 Account 3 Root > Group 1 > Group 1.1 > Account 3
7 10 15 Group 1.2 Root > Group 1 > Group 1.2
8 11 12 Account 4 Root > Group 1 > Group 1.2 > Acount 4
9 13 14 Account 5 Root > Group 1 > Group 1.2 > Account 5
10 17 24 Group 2 Root > Group 2
11 18 23 Group 2.1 Root > Group 2 > Group 2.1
12 19 20 Account 1 Root > Group 2 > Group 2.1 > Account 10
13 21 22 Account 1 Root > Group 2 > Group 2.1 > Account 11
Whilst I've managed to achieve this using CTEs, the query is deathly slow. It takes just shy of two minutes to run with around 1200 records in the output.
Here's a simplified version of my code:
;with accounts as
-- Chart of Accounts
select AccountId, LeftAnchor, RightAnchor, Name
from ChartOfAccounts
-- dirty great where clause snipped
, parents as
-- Work out the Parent Nodes
select c.AccountId, p.AccountId [ParentId]
from accounts c
left join accounts p on (p.LeftAnchor = (
select max(i.LeftAnchor)
from accounts i
where i.LeftAnchor<c.LeftAnchor
and i.RightAnchor>c.RightAnchor
, path as
-- Calculate the Account path for each node
-- Root Node
select c.AccountId, c.LeftAnchor, c.RightAnchor, 0 [Level], convert(varchar(max), c.name) [MaterializedPath]
from accounts c
where c.LeftAnchor = (select min(LeftAnchor) from chart)
union all
-- Children
select n.AccountId, n.LeftAnchor, n.RightAnchor, p.level+1, p.path + ' > ' + n.name
from accounts n
inner join parents x on (n.AccountId=x.AccountId)
inner join path p on (x.ParentId=p.AccountId)
select * from path order by LeftAnchor
Ideally this query should only take a couple of seconds (max) to run. I can't make any changes to the database itself (read-only connection), so can anyone come up with a better way to write this query?
After your comments, I realized no need for the CTE... you already have the range keys.
Select A.*
,Path = Replace(Path,'>','>')
From YourTable A
Cross Apply (
Select Path = Stuff((Select ' > ' +Name
From (
Select LeftAnchor,Name
From YourTable
Where A.LeftAnchor between LeftAnchor and RightAnchor
) B1
Order By LeftAnchor
For XML Path (''))
) B
Order By LeftAnchor