
How to create dynamic checkbox option based on drop-down selection?

For example, based on the country, I need to show a checkbox to select. I am facing a problem while implementing it in a repeated grid, any suggestions? The Below code would be in repeated section and will be populated based on the country selection.

<xf:select id="check1-control" appearance="full" bind="check1-bind">
                                    <xf:label ref="$form-resources/check1/label"/>
                                    <xf:hint ref="$form-resources/check1/hint"/>
                                    <xf:alert ref="$fr-resources/detail/labels/alert"/>
                       <xf:itemset ref="$form-resources/check1/item">
                                        <xf:label ref="label"/>
                                        <xf:value ref="value"/>
                                        <xf:hint ref="hint"/>


  • This issue has been fixed in recent releases, and if you're encountering this, my recommendation is to upgrade. (And if you're looking for more details on this, feel free to go through the comments on the above question.)