
Difference between IDE "Visual MASM" and "Easy Code"?

I'm new to the Assembly Language.

I was trying to build a sample assembler code (masm32), then I realize that:

My questions:


  • I'm the author of Visual MASM and I can confirm that the latest version of Visual MASM does not generate a debug build. That is why Visual MASM, at the moment, creates smaller EXE's than Easy Code at this time.

    However, Visual MASM will have an option to enable its user-mode debugger. To enable the debugger, Visual MASM will generate the debug symbols for your assembly applications. This would add to the size of the target file. So, you will see a Release (non-debug), and a Debug (with symbols) assembly option.

    Also, no EXE under Windows can be smaller than 1 KB. If you want smaller files, you would need to generate 16-bit COM files which you could do in Visual MASM as well. It also depends on which version of Windows you are running.