
JavaScript formatting json value depending schema

Is there a simple way to vor a value of JSON field depending on format on its JSON Schema (specially date / datetime format for mongodb)? Examples: JSON:

  "firstName": "Alex",
  "lastName": "Alex",
  "birthDate": "1996-06-20"


    "$schema": "",
    "definitions": {},
    "id": "",
    "properties": {
        "birthDate": {
            "id": "/properties/birthDate",
            "type": "string",
        "firstName": {
            "id": "/properties/firstName",
            "type": "string"
        "lastName": {
            "id": "/properties/lastName",
            "type": "string"
    "type": "object"

Final result after conversion:

  "firstName": "Alex",
  "lastName": "Alex",
  "birthDate": {
    $date": 835228800000

(I am using this format because I am using RestHeart)

And in case of datetime do same thing. This formating must be generic and valid for nested objects also.

Thanks for your help


  • I developed a Node.js module to resolve this problem: Here is the link for whom interested: