
How to make coins fly toward coin meter like Temple Run unity

Can anyone help me to fly coins toward the coins meter.

I have try this code.

 public GameObject meter;

 void Update () {

     transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, meter.transform.position, 1.5f * Time.deltaTime);


But it's not working for me. Maybe because the CoinsMeter is UiImage with text in my case. So please help me to solve this.


  • Use a dummy gameobject behind your coin meter and set your coins' Target position to that dummy gameobject position.


    Since your camera position might change, the above one doesn't work in such cases. Do like,

    Vector3 target = uiObject.transform.position + offset;
    Vector3 worldPoint = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(target);

    Now, worldPoint is your new target position.