I have been managing Odoo 9 and there are some complain from customers who use odoo project to create issues about getting a lot of emails when tasks is created and commenting in the task.
When I remove the followers from the project, then the followers is not able to see the project anymore. That's not what I want.
So I tried to find a function that add its project followers to its task when created to override and thus remove the followers to its task created.
But somehow I cannot find the function to override.
Is there any other suggestion for me to solve this?
You can do it using alternative solution, system will add followers in the task but system will not send any emails.
class project_task(models.Model)
def create(self,vals)
context=dict(self._context or {})
return super(project_task,self.with_context(context)).create(vals)
def write(self,vals):
context=dict(self._context or {})
return super(project_task,self.with_context(context)).write(vals)
`mail_notrack`` : at create and write, do not perform the value tracking creating messages
In context you can pass mail_notrack True, then system will not send any email to ERP users when task is create or change stages.
This may help you.