
What csplit-like command lets me create several files from one text file?

Are there any tools to do what I want already? I'd like to split the file 'one' at lines starting with @, followed by a filename:

$ cat one
-- header --
-- body --
@body isn't a split point
-- footer --

$ splitit one
$ ls
body footer header one 
$ cat header
-- header --
$ cat body
-- body --
@body isn't a split point
$ cat footer
-- footer --

What is splitit?

Use case:


  • awk 'NF==1 && sub(/^@/,""){f=$0; next} {print > f}' one

    If you will have many output files and don't use GNU awk then you'll have to close them as you go:

    awk 'NF==1 && sub(/^@/,""){close(f); f=$0; next} {print > f}' one