
doParallel, cluster vs cores

What is the difference between cluster and cores in registerDoParallel when using doParallel package?

Is my understanding correct that on single machine these are interchangeable and I will get same results for :

cl <- makeCluster(4)


registerDoParallel(cores = 4)

The only difference I see that makeCluster() has to be stopped explicitly using stopCluster().


  • The behavior of doParallel::registerDoParallel(<numeric>) depends on the operating system, see print(doParallel::registerDoParallel) for details.

    On Windows machines,


    effectively does

    cl <- makeCluster(4)

    i.e. it set up four ("PSOCK") workers that run in background R sessions. Then, %dopar% will basically utilize the parallel::parLapply() machinery. With this setup, you do have to worry about global variables and packages being attached on each of the workers.

    However, on non-Windows machines,


    the result will be that %dopar% will utilize the parallel::mclapply() machinery, which in turn relies on forked processes. Since forking is used, you don't have to worry about globals and packages.