
Vertical stacked bar chart with chart.js

Excellent and free library from chart.js. I'm transferring my charts from Google charts to chart.js, because I can use them offline and it seems more responsive to window's changes of size. Furthermore I realised that my viewers in China could not see my Google charts because Google services are blocked in China.

I've been reading the documentation regarding stacked vertical bar charts, but I can't figure out, how to make a chart like this. In all examples I saw for stacked bar charts, the number of items is the same for each bar.

Can I make only two vertical stacked datasets? It's because the right bar has more items than the left one. Or do I need n datasets, being n the number of items, of the bar which has more items?

enter image description here


I want to group one dataset per (stacked) bar, but I can't.

var ctx = document.getElementById("barChart").getContext('2d');
var labels = ["standing costs", "running costs"];
var dataset = [ 
                  type: 'bar',
                  label: ["cost1", "cost2", "cost3", "cost4"],
                  data: [1, 2, 1, 3],                       
                  stack: "standing costs",
                  backgroundColor: [
                  type: 'bar',
                  label: ["cost5", "cost6", "cost7", "cost8"],
                  data: [5, 1, 3, 0],                       
                  stack: "running costs",
                  backgroundColor: [                         

var options = {
    scales: {
      xAxes: [{
        stacked: true
      yAxes: [{
        stacked: true

var content = {
    type: 'bar',
    data: {
        labels: labels,
        datasets: dataset

new Chart(ctx, content);
@import url("");
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="barChart"></canvas>


  • Quick Solution :

    Vertical Stacked Bar Chart

    var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
       type: 'bar',
       data: {
          labels: ['Standing costs', 'Running costs'], // responsible for how many bars are gonna show on the chart
          // create 12 datasets, since we have 12 items
          // data[0] = labels[0] (data for first bar - 'Standing costs') | data[1] = labels[1] (data for second bar - 'Running costs')
          // put 0, if there is no data for the particular bar
          datasets: [{
             label: 'Washing and cleaning',
             data: [0, 8],
             backgroundColor: '#22aa99'
          }, {
             label: 'Traffic tickets',
             data: [0, 2],
             backgroundColor: '#994499'
          }, {
             label: 'Tolls',
             data: [0, 1],
             backgroundColor: '#316395'
          }, {
             label: 'Parking',
             data: [5, 2],
             backgroundColor: '#b82e2e'
          }, {
             label: 'Car tax',
             data: [0, 1],
             backgroundColor: '#66aa00'
          }, {
             label: 'Repairs and improvements',
             data: [0, 2],
             backgroundColor: '#dd4477'
          }, {
             label: 'Maintenance',
             data: [6, 1],
             backgroundColor: '#0099c6'
          }, {
             label: 'Inspection',
             data: [0, 2],
             backgroundColor: '#990099'
          }, {
             label: 'Loan interest',
             data: [0, 3],
             backgroundColor: '#109618'
          }, {
             label: 'Depreciation of the vehicle',
             data: [0, 2],
             backgroundColor: '#109618'
          }, {
             label: 'Fuel',
             data: [0, 1],
             backgroundColor: '#dc3912'
          }, {
             label: 'Insurance and Breakdown cover',
             data: [4, 0],
             backgroundColor: '#3366cc'
       options: {
          responsive: false,
          legend: {
             position: 'right' // place legend on the right side of chart
          scales: {
             xAxes: [{
                stacked: true // this should be set to make the bars stacked
             yAxes: [{
                stacked: true // this also..
    <script src=""></script>
    <canvas id="ctx" width="700"></canvas>

    apology for not giving explanation.