
Angular 4 date pipe displays wrong date because of time zones - how to fix this?

I have a date value in each of my objects that I can Print like this:

<td> {{competition.compStart }}</td>

And here is how it looks:


In order to change the format to make it more readable I'm using the Angular date pipe:

<td> {{competition.compStart | date : "dd/MM/yyyy"}}</td>

With this result:


As you can see, It is displaying the previous day (May 30 instead of May 31).

As far as I understand, the problem is related to the timezone, since I'm in Argentina and we have GMT-3 then 00:00 of the 31st minus 3 hours would be May 30 at 9 PM.

So how can I make it take the time literally and not process it based on the timezone, but still apply the format in the pipe?


  • Behind the scenes, DatePipe uses locale to display date in user's timezone. Try with client's timezone data:

    1931-05-31T00:00:00.000-0300 instead of 1931-05-31T00:00:00.000+0000.

    You can get client's offset in minutes using (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset()

    This is actually the known issue/limitation of DatePipe. Community is aware of it. It the future, you will be able to specify timezone as one of parameters ({{ value | date:format:zone }}).

    Here is the issue on github:

    For more advanced date manipulations, I recommend moment.js (less headaches, better consistency, less testing, simpler maintaining).

    EDIT: It has been added:

    date_expression | date[:format[:timezone[:locale]]]

    Code: Docs: