
Why I get error on multiple dir-pagination in AngularJs?

I have problem with dir-pagination. I have multiple tables and I added to same dir-pagination attribute 'id'.

<tr dir-paginate="call in ( filterCalls = (calllRecords |  filter :searchInput 
                                            | filter:{typeCall:cats || undefined} | filter:{created_by:createdBySort} 
                                            | filter:{deleted: myFilter(cats)} |
                                            orderBy:orderByField:reverseSortArr[orderByField] |
                                             itemsPerPage: itemsPerPage))" pagination-id="callPagin">

And I have this directive

<dir-pagination-controls boundary-links="true" pagination-id="callPagin" on-page-change="pageChangeHandelr(newPageNumber)"></dir-pagination-controls>

And I got this error:

Syntax Error: Token ':' is an unexpected token at column...

Why this happen?

EDIT: Angular controller:

$scope.getCallsRecords = function(){

        method : "POST",
        url    : "/getCallRecords",
        $scope.calllRecords = res;


$scope.getAssignments = function(deleted = 0){

        method : "POST",
        url    : "/getAssignment"
        $scope.assignments = res;




  • I solve it. I changed the dir-paginate attribute in tr tag. I removed the fillterCalls so now this looke like this

    <tr dir-paginate="call in calllRecords |  filter :searchInput 
                                           | filter:{typeCall:cats || undefined} 
                                           | filter:{created_by:createdBySort} 
                                           | filter:{deleted: myFilter(cats)} |  
                                           orderBy: orderByField : reverseSortArr[orderByField] 
                                           | itemsPerPage: itemsPerPage" 