I need to create new instance of a class loaded from untrusted classfile. Now I do the following:
The problem is that if I enable security manager it doesn't permit to call newInstance, but if I have security manager disabled one can put malicious code into initialization block and it executes with no problem.
How one accomplishes creating new instance of untrusted class?
Well, what I used. As far as I have custom class loader which loads untrusted code from specific location I could define code base in policy file for my trusted code, which I granted permission to use reflection. Thus untrusted code from another codebase don't have this permission. i.e.
grant codeBase "file:/C:/path/to/trusted/code/classes" {
permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks";
With this policy file all code loaded from other locations than specified in codeBase will not have any permissions.