I'm looking for some algorithm for square root calculation and found this source file. I would like to try to replicate it because it seems quite simple but I can not relate it to some known algorithm (Newton, Babylon ...). Can you tell me the name?
int sqrt(int num) {
int op = num;
int res = 0;
int one = 1 << 30; // The second-to-top bit is set: 1L<<30 for long
// "one" starts at the highest power of four <= the argument.
while (one > op)
one >>= 2;
while (one != 0) {
if (op >= res + one) {
op -= res + one;
res += 2 * one;
res >>= 1;
one >>= 2;
return res;
As @Eugene Sh. references, this is the classic "digit-by-digit" method done to calculate square root. Learned it in base 10 when such things were taught in primary school.
OP's code fails select numbers too. sqrt(1073741824) --> -1
rather than expected 32768. 1073741824 == 0x40000000
. Further, it fails most (all?) values this and greater. Of course OP's sqrt(some_negative)
is a problem too.
Candidate alternative: also here
unsigned isqrt(unsigned num) {
unsigned res = 0;
// The second-to-top bit is set: 1 << 30 for 32 bits
// Needs work to run on unusual platforms where `unsigned` has padding or odd bit width.
unsigned bit = 1u << (sizeof(num) * CHAR_BIT - 2);
// "bit" starts at the highest power of four <= the argument.
while (bit > num) {
bit >>= 2;
while (bit > 0) {
if (num >= res + bit) {
num -= res + bit;
res = (res >> 1) + bit; // Key difference between this and OP's code
} else {
res >>= 1;
bit >>= 2;
return res;
Portability update. The greatest power of 4 is needed.
#include <limits.h>
// greatest power of 4 <= a power-of-2 minus 1
#define POW4_LE_POW2M1(n) ( ((n)/2 + 1) >> ((n)%3==0) )
unsigned bit = POW4_LE_POW2M1(UINT_MAX);