
To show depth level on each node jstree

I would like to show the maximum depth level on each node (next to the text on each node), right now I have harcoded the data as below,

    'core' : {
        'data' : [
            { "text" : "Root node, Depth: 2", 
                "children" : [
                    { "text" : "Child node 1, Depth: 1", 
                        "children" : [
                            { "text" : "Grand Child node 1, Depth: 0" } 
                    { "text" : "Child node 2,  Depth: 0" }

The depth value is hardcoded to illustrate and not available in my data, I like to generate the depth value (deeper most children) dynamically while loading the data

So In-short need something like below image, where depth value is not available on the data from server. enter image description here


  • your object core seems wrong with "text" : "Root node, Depth: 2",but i assumed the object like below and then you can use recursion to get depth for each node.

    var core = {
        'data' : [
            { "text" : "Root node", 
                "children" : [
                    { "text" : "Child node 1", 
                        "children" : [
                            { "text" : "Grand Child node 1" } 
                    { "text" : "Child node 2" }
    function findDepth(node){
       var maxDepth=0;
       if(node.children !== undefined){
       var depth =0;
             depth = findDepth(child) + 1;
             maxDepth = depth > maxDepth ? depth: maxDepth;
       node.text = node.text + ", Depth: " + maxDepth;
       return maxDepth;