Example taken from Shiny gallery. I would like to show ex1 and ex2 on the first tab, with some breaks between and ex2 on the second tab.
title = 'DataTable Options',
tabPanel('Display length', DT::dataTableOutput('ex1')),
tabPanel('Length menu', DT::dataTableOutput('ex2'))
function(input, output) {
# display 10 rows initially
output$ex1 <- DT::renderDataTable(
DT::datatable(iris, options = list(pageLength = 25))
# -1 means no pagination; the 2nd element contains menu labels
output$ex2 <- DT::renderDataTable(
iris, options = list(
lengthMenu = list(c(5, 15, -1), c('5', '15', 'All')),
pageLength = 15
I thought the following code would work, but it does not. It does show anything in any of the tabs.
title = 'DataTable Options',
tabPanel('Display length', DT::dataTableOutput('ex1'),
tabPanel('Length menu', DT::dataTableOutput('ex2'))
Your ui code is fine, but:
Shiny doesn't support multiple outputs with the same name. This code would generate HTML where two elements have the same ID, which is invalid HTML.
So, I think your only solution would be to create a third table. The best option is to use a reactive in the middle, so you avoid having the same code used twice.
function(input, output) {
# display 10 rows initially
output$ex1 <- DT::renderDataTable(
DT::datatable(iris, options = list(pageLength = 25))
# -1 means no pagination; the 2nd element contains menu labels
iris_table <- reactive({
iris, options = list(
lengthMenu = list(c(5, 15, -1), c('5', '15', 'All')),
pageLength = 15
output$ex2 <- DT::renderDataTable(
output$ex3 <- DT::renderDataTable(
Hope this helps!