I could not understand from which library these messages are coming from:
Warning messages:
1: In if (!(tclass %in% c("yearmon", "yearqtr"))) lubridate::tz(ret) <- tzone :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
2: In if (!(tclass %in% c("yearmon", "yearqtr"))) lubridate::tz(ret) <- tzone :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
I have already suppressed warnings and messages of all the libraries used in my code using:
suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(library(sweep))) # Broom tidiers for forecast pkg
suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(library(timekit))) # Working with time series in R
suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(library(tidyquant))) # Get's data from FRED, loads tidyverse behind the scenes
I've tried suppressing for lubridate and zoo. Still no change.
Please suggest what should I do to suppress above mentioned messages.
Dataframe is like this :
1499889600, 18.71832
1499893200, 19.02870
1499896800, 18.91708
1499900400, 18.80855
1499904000, 19.04631
1499907600, 18.89747
1499911200, 18.69003
1499914800, 18.98538
1499918400, 18.87732
1499922000, 18.69314
1499925600, 18.99397
1499929200, 18.77869
1499932800, 18.68454
1499936400, 18.98039
1499940000, 18.88998
1499943600, 18.71440
1499947200, 18.98789
1499950800, 18.86854
1499954400, 18.69711
1499958000, 18.91687
1499961600, 18.89083
1499965200, 18.82566
1499968800, 19.00667
1499972400, 18.87633
1499976000, 18.72960
1499979600, 19.04492
1499983200, 18.91356
1499986800, 18.83017
1499990400, 19.02865
1499994000, 18.88282
1499997600, 18.70087
1500001200, 19.06607
1500004800, 18.80885
1500008400, 18.61242
1500012000, 18.94070
1500015600, 18.82240
1500019200, 18.68274
1500022800, 18.97367
1500026400, 18.79754
1500030000, 18.72475
1500033600, 18.94517
1500037200, 18.93362
1500040800, 18.69782
1500044400, 19.02091
1500048000, 18.83109
1500051600, 18.74415
1500055200, 18.89581
1500058800, 18.90286
Code :
# Use as_datetime to convert from numeric time stamps to date-times
dataframe <- dataframe %>%
mutate(timestamp = as_datetime(timestamp))
# Setup your ts object
ts_frequency <- 24
start <- 1
tk_ts_dataframe <- tk_ts(dataframe, start = start, freq = ts_frequency, silent = TRUE)
# Arima model
fit <- auto.arima(tk_ts_dataframe, trace = TRUE, stepwise = FALSE)
# Forecast
forecast_duration <- 10
fc <- forecast(fit, h = forecast_duration)
# Perform sweep
final <- sw_sweep(fc, timekit_idx = TRUE)
It does not appear to be coming from any package but instead the logic of your if statement condition. R is trying to tell you that tclass is not an atomic value as you may or may not have suspected but instead a list/vector of values. So instead of looking at all the values in this vector/list to put into the if condition, it will only consider the first element of this vector/list.
Solution: Make sure tclass is an atomic value to get rid of the warning, if you know that it is a vector and you don't mind if it uses the first value then you're good.
Plus to get rid of warning messages all together use options(warn=-1)