
SOLR full-import not working when running using lynx command

I want to setup a cron in Amazon EC2 Linux to run a SOLR full-import at 12:15AM every night. Before I setup the cron I tried testing in the terminal whether it is working or not. I used below command to test

/usr/bin/lynx http://amzon-instance-ip:8983/solr/work/dataimport?command=full-import

Output of the command:

[1] 15153

But when I go to below url to check whether the full-import actully initiated. I see the full-import command is not running. http://amzon-instance-ip:8983/solr/#/workb/dataimport//dataimport

Anyone can help me why the SOLR full-import not running with lynx command? Am I using lynx correctly or do I need to use a differnt approach? Any Suggestions please.


  • I spent some time on internet searching the solution for why a url not working with lynx but could not find the solution. Thanks for @Oyeme suggestion, I got two ways to get my URL running using linux curl and wget commands.

    Using linux curl command:

    curl -s ' http://amzon-instance-ip:8983/solr/work/dataimport?command=full-import&clean=false' > /dev/null

    Using linux wget command:

    wget -O /dev/null ' http://amzon-instance-ip:8983/solr/work/dataimport?command=full-import&clean=false'