Project which compiles fine in Xcode 8.3.2 shows many compilation errors around comparing optional/non optional value with ==
What I have found is an older proposal for removing coparison <> for the same:
So now in Xcode 9, I can not even compare two optionals:
let xxx: String? = "A"
let yyy: String? = "B"
if xxx == yyy { //ERROR: Ambiguous use of operator '=='
Could someone point me to a resource where this would be explained? Or is it just a temporary bug?
Using XCode 9 beta (9M136h) and Swift 4, your instruction compiles.
Variants of == and != which accept optional operands are still useful, and their results unsurprising, so they will remain.
Remove the versions of <, <=, >, and >= which accept optional operands.
So your instruction should works either in Swift 3.2 or Swift 4. Check the swift version you are using in the build settings -> Swift Language Version.