
Orchard CMS content preview not working properly with overrides

I have created a theme and formatted my blog using view overrides in Orchard. However, when I attempt to preview a blog post, the preview does not take into account these overrides. I think this is due to the fact the preview URL does not match the layout overrides I've created based on URL's.

Actual URL: http://localhost:30321/blog/post-title
Preview URL: http://localhost:30321/Contents/Item/Preview/9460

Is there any workaround to this?


  • You want to use alternates, which you can read more about here

    Like one of the comments mentioned you shouldn't be doing view overrides (alternates) with urls unless you have a very good use case for it. You would be better off using the content type alternate. So if you had a content type called BlogPost, you could name your view file Content-BlogPost.cshtml. You should add these files to your theme project.