
Scrapy-Splash with Tor

I have succeed to run Scrapy with Tor using this link:

But i couldn't run Splash with Tor.

In I directed to polipo for http_proxy(8123 is polipo port):


In polipo.config, I directed to tor(9150 is tor port):

socksParentProxy = localhost:9150


Which works perfect for scrapy. In splash it doesn't work. But i have to say splash or docker to use polipo for http_proxy like in Docker should somehow use polipo, and polipo will direct to tor. How can i do that?

I run splash with:

sudo docker run -p 5023:5023 -p 8050:8050 -p 80511 scrapinghub/splash

and in etc/default/docker i tried docker should direct to polipo with this:

export http_proxy=''

But i couldn't succeed. What am i doing wrong? Thanks :)


  • You need to

    1. make Tor accessible from Splash Docker container;
    2. tell Splash to use this Tor proxy.

    For (2) you can use either Splash proxy profiles or set proxy directly, either in proxy argument, or using request:set_proxy in splash:on_request callback a Lua script. For example, if Tor can be accessed from Splash Docker container as tor:8123, you can do a request like this:


    Also, take a look at - it setups all of this - it sets up 'tor' proxy profile, starts Tor in another Docker container, and links these containers. To access remote website using Tor in a Splash deployed via Aquarium you can just add proxy=tor GET argument to a request:
