
djagno filter regex not working while python re works

I am trying to do iregex match in django for the regular expression

reg_string = (\w|\d|\b|\s)+h(\w|\d|\b|\s)+(\w|\d|\b|\s)+anto(\w|\d|\b|\s)+

by using the word "The Canton" for name but its not returning any value but while using it in python its working

print ('(\w|\d|\b|\s)+h(\w|\d|\b|\s)+(\w|\d|\b|\s)+anto(\w|\d|\b|\s)+', 'The Canton', re.I).group()

I am using Mysql 5.7, any one know how to fix this


  • Note that MySQL REGEXP does not support shorthand character classes like \s, \d, \w, etc. It supports some basic POSIX character classes like [:digit:], [:alpha:], [:alnum:], etc.

    Even if you keep on using the pattern in Python, you should not write (\w|\d|\b|\s)+ as it matches and captures a single char that is a word char or digit, word boundary, or whitespace, 1 or more times (and rewriting buffer of Group N with the latest char the engine matched). You could rewrite that with a single character class - [\w\s]+.

    Now, your pattern in MySQL will look like


    where [\w\s]+ is turned into [_[:alnum:][:space:]]+: