I was looking at some pretty popular bots like "The Guardian" and i noticed that whenever you get a generic template reply from it it also displays some quick reply buttons (see the photo attached). How did "The Guardian Bot" achieve this? How he combined quick replies and a generic template? It must be two messages involved.
I have implemented the bot in nodejs and I am using a node module called messenger-bot
which makes it easier to call the messenger bot API. Here's my customized code for you
const http = require('http')
const https = require('https')
const Bot = require('messenger-bot')
var bot = new Bot({
token: 'your FB app token',
verify: 'VERIFY_TOKEN'
bot.on('postback', (payload, reply) => {
var postback = payload.postback.payload;
if (postback == "yes") {
function getQuickReplies() {
console.log("in next function");
var quick_list = {
"text": "Check the next article?",
"quick_replies": [{
"content_type": "text",
"title": "More stories",
"payload": "more stories"
"content_type": "text",
"title": "Sport",
"payload": "sport"
"content_type": "text",
"title": "Business",
"payload": "business"
bot.getProfile(payload.sender.id, (err, profile) => {
if (err) throw err
text = quick_list;
bot.sendMessage(payload.sender.id, text) {//this prints quick replies
console.log("sending message");
//calling generic template
var generic_temp = "message": {
"attachment": {
-- - your code-- -
}; //generic template refer - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/generic-template
bot.getProfile(payload.sender.id, (err, profile) => {
if (err) throw err
bot.sendMessage(payload.sender.id, generic_temp) {//this prints generic template
console.log("sending message");
//calling the quick replies once the generic template is sent
getQuickReplies(); //to avoid async execution issue, we will have to put this in a function.
references - Generic template, Quick replies, messenger-bot npm
Hope this helps! Happy coding ;)