
join_node graph flow construction

I am experimenting Intel Graph Flow from TBB. I am super satisfied by the results and I found the product amazing, with unlimited possibilities. However I was confronted to a pb that I fixed but I am not satisfied. The pb is the following.

A ----------\       tuple<message,message>             WHATEVER
   message   join ------------------------- C------------------------
B ----------/

This pattern is applied when we want to sync and avoidto propagate n times a message (and his value). Intel provides an example which explained well the pb (and the solution - Intel example). My pb is the tupple constructed and the construction of the graph which used static approach. It is fully static, specially if the number of input edge (input_port<i> in the Intel example) to the join node are variables.

Does a guru of TBB-graph flow knows a "dynamic approach" to this pb ?


Tim [EDIT my code real pb]

I can do:

std::vector<tbb::flow::function_node<std::size_t, message>> vec_node;

for (int i(0) ; i < 3 ;++i)

tbb::flow::make_edge(vec_node[0], tbb::flow::input_port<0>

tbb::flow::make_edge(vec_node[1], tbb::flow::input_port<1>(node_join_));
tbb::flow::make_edge(vec_node[2], tbb::flow::input_port<2>(node_join_));

I can not do:

for(int i(0); i < vec_node.size(); ++i)
    tbb::flow::make_edge(vec_node[i], tbb::flow::input_port<i>(node_join_));

Due to the "tuple" and the "tbb::flow::input_port" function.


  • The number of ports on a join node is static (determined at compile time.) If you want a variant number of inputs for one output, you need to be able to indicate which "port" the message came in on, as well as its value.

    TBB has a variant type that encapsulates a port number and a value (it is the output of the indexer_node.) If you use that type (define an indexer_node, but don't instantiate it, and you can use the ::output_type of the node) as the input type for a multifunction_node (which can potentially have more than one output, but can have just one output), and let the function body of the multifunction_node decide when it has had the correct number of outputs, then you could store values as they are input, and when the multifunction_node sees the "correct " number of inputs, it can construct an output value and forward it to its successors.

    The graph will look like:

    One problem I see is you must define the output type of the multifunction_node. That is also a static declaration, though a variant tuple may be what you need there.


    Let's make some simplifying assumptions:

    It has been a few years since I worked on TBB, so there may be some things I'm unaware of, but I can give you a sketch.

    The graph will look like:

    graph using vector of functions

    (I am actually sketching out the structure of the tag-matching join, because it sounds like that is what you want.)

    When you construct the vector of function_nodes, it is necessary each function_body know what its index is. In general this means the vector is of pointers to function_nodes, and each node is constructed with the index as one of its parameters.

    I am assuming the source_node's output is something like a buffer. that buffer is passed to each function_node in the vector, and each function_node has an output type that is

    The multifuncton_node is where most of the work will be done. It has

    When the multifunction_node receives a message, it

    There are some concerns for how the data is passed and stored, and how to clean up elements if you expect values to be reused, but that is the basic sketch.