
How to avoid Daydream re-centering each time I deploy the app during development?

During development I re-deploy the app to the phone frequently. Still, I have a habit of turning off the screen in-between redeployments, otherwise it gets hot inside the Daydream headset.

Each time I turn the phone back on and redeploy the app I re-enter the Daydream-mode and I am forced to re-center the headset.

Here is step-by-step of how I develop:

  1. Make changes to the code.
  2. Turn the screen on (with on/off button on the phone).
  3. Deploy the app.
  4. Automatically jump into Daydream-mode.
  5. Re-center the headset/controller.
  6. Play with the app.
  7. Turn off the screen.
  8. Repeat.

Can I somehow avoid spending time on re-centering in step 5?

I assume it's not really part of my app, but of the whole Daydream mode.


  • There is a Daydream developer setting that will allow you to disable the VR Entry screen (pairing & recentering in the mountains). Tap the gear icon in the upper right while in VR mode, scroll down to the bottom, tap the Build Version line 7 times. This will enable a new item for Developer Options. Go into Developer Options, scroll down near the end of the list to Skip VR entry screens. Check the box. No more re-centering on entering VR. Enjoy your faster development cycles!