Urban Airship iOS show message body on UIWebView

anyone has doing something like this on iOS?, this is the challenge, in my app i already configure UrbanAirship methods and have access to the user´s current messages as an UAInboxMessage array and display them on a table where the cell title its the message title, ok... now, looking into each object properties they have an messageURL and messageBodyURL, when i request those url´s Urban ask for credentials, ok, when i touch on a row on my tableView, i send the message to a DetailViewController as a property, in that view i have a UIWebView and what i want is show the message Rich content, which is the html previously configured in Urban Console, in the UIWebView in my DetailViewController, so i was trying to get it via UAWebViewCallData sending the url, the webview and the message but no luck...

[UAWebViewCallData callDataForURL:message.messageBodyURL webView:_webView message:message];

No work.

I tried to set UA custom delegates to my webview like UAWebViewDelegate for getting the info, and agail i failed, those delegates never were called.

And manual display like the doc

and again not working, then a friend found on Android there is a UAWebView custom class, where he can extend its webview from that, and just writing this, the message body was showed


try to find on iOS something similar but no luck.

please help!!


  • Accessing the Message Center HTML content requires a unique set of credentials. They should be retrieved via the Urban Airship SDK utility methods and added to your request. For example:

    NSMutableURLRequest *requestObj = [NSMutableURLRequest 
    requestObj.timeoutInterval = 10;
    NSString *auth = [UAUtils appAuthHeaderString];
    [requestObj setValue:auth forHTTPHeaderField:@"Authorization"];
    [self.webView loadRequest:requestObj];

    You can also take a look at how the webview is configured and loaded in the default Message Center that Urban Airship provides here:


        let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: url)
        request.timeoutInterval = 10;
        let auth = UAUtils.appAuthHeaderString()
        request.setValue(auth, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")