I am trying to use the SpatialSurfaceObserver class for Windows Mixed Reality. I was following this: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/spatial_mapping_in_directx
However, I have hit a roadblock. The sample states I should simply create an instance like so: m_surfaceObserver = ref new SpatialSurfaceObserver();
However, I am using pure C++, no C#, no C++/CX etc. So far this was no problem, I was expecting to use an activation factory to create an instance, but as far as I can tell, the one for this class does not contain any function to create an instance.
Basically I thought to use this:
using namespace ABI::Windows::Perception::Spatial;
ComPtr<Surfaces::ISpatialSurfaceObserverStatics> observerFactory;
ABI::Windows::Foundation::GetActivationFactory(HStringReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Perception_Spatial_Surfaces_SpatialSurfaceObserver).Get(), &observerFactory);
But there is no function I could use.
Then I found ActivateInstance, and thought that should work:
ComPtr<Surfaces::ISpatialSurfaceObserver> observer;
ABI::Windows::Foundation::ActivateInstance(HStringReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Perception_Spatial_Surfaces_SpatialSurfaceObserver).Get(), &observer);
But this doesn't compile either, it always complains that ISpatialSurfaceObserver does not contain an "InterfaceType" member.
I also ran into "Make" and "MakeAndActivate", but didn't really understood how to use them and if they are the right thing for my case.
Any idea what I am missing?
Not any expertise here but one idea to try.
ABI::Windows::Foundation::ActivateInstance(HStringReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Perception_Spatial_Surfaces_SpatialSurfaceObserver).Get(), &observer);
Could you try to call
::RoActivateInstance(HStringReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Perception_Spatial_Surfaces_SpatialSurfaceObserver).Get(), &observer);
Some references that might be helpful: