
How to Implement a ListBox of Checkboxes in WPF?

Although somewhat experienced with writing Winforms applications, the... "vagueness" of WPF still eludes me in terms of best practices and design patterns.

Despite populating my list at runtime, my listbox appears empty.

I have followed the simple instructions from this helpful article to no avail. I suspect that I'm missing some sort of DataBind() method where I tell the listbox that I'm done modifying the underlying list.

In my MainWindow.xaml, I have:

    <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding TopicList}" Height="177" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="15,173,0,0" Name="listTopics" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="236" Background="#0B000000">
                <CheckBox Content="{Binding Name}" IsChecked="{Binding IsChecked}"/>

In my code-behind, I have:

    private void InitializeTopicList( MyDataContext context )
        List<Topic> topicList = ( from topic in context.Topics select topic ).ToList();

        foreach ( Topic topic in topicList )
            CheckedListItem item = new CheckedListItem();
            item.Name = topic.DisplayName;
            item.ID = topic.ID;
            TopicList.Add( item );

Which, by tracing through, I know is being populated with four items.


I have changed TopicList to an ObservableCollection. It still doesn't work.

    public ObservableCollection<CheckedListItem> TopicList;


I have made two changes that help:

In the .xaml file:

ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding}"

In the source code after I populate the list:

listTopics.DataContext = TopicList;

I'm getting a list, but it's not automagically updating the checkbox states when I refresh those. I suspect a little further reading on my part will resolve this.


  • Use ObservableCollection<Topic> instead of List<Topic>


    it implements INotifyCollectionChanged interface to let WPF know when you add/remove/modify items

    Edit 2

    Since you set TopicList in code, it should be a Dependency Property, not a common field

        public ObservableCollection<CheckedListItem> TopicList {
            get { return (ObservableCollection<CheckedListItem>)GetValue(TopicListProperty); }
            set { SetValue(TopicListProperty, value); }
        public static readonly DependencyProperty TopicListProperty =
            DependencyProperty.Register("TopicList", typeof(ObservableCollection<CheckedListItem>), typeof(MainWindow), new UIPropertyMetadata(null));

    Edit 3

    To see changes in items

    1. implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface in CheckedListItem (each setter should call PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(<property name as string>)) event)
    2. or derive CheckedListItem from DependencyObject, and convert Name, ID, IsChecked to dependency properties
    3. or update them totally (topicList[0] = new CheckedListItem() { Name = ..., ID = ... })