I've seen many examples where the (set-interval "my-method" n)
function is used to call a function every n seconds in the browser, but I cannot get the set-interval
function to run.
If I use:
(ql:quickload :parenscript)
(use-package :parenscript)
(use-package: ps-window-wd-symbols)
I get a lot of namespace collisions and set-interval
is still an undefined function.
I've also tried (ps:unobfuscate-package "ps-window-wd-symbols")
which returns NIL and does nothing.
What is the correct way of doing this?
Update: using (apropos "set-interval")
(apropos "set-interval")
So it's being provided in two places. Trying (smackjack::set-interval NIL NIL)
also causes an Undefined function error.
Using M-.
returns "No known Symbol" in my main project namespace.
The best way to use this functions is using it inside de defmacro ps.
As showing in the doc comments in code you can find this:
;; These are convenience packages that export JS and browser DOM ;; symbols. If you :use the packages in a package FOO and then ;; obfuscate FOO, it will prevent the JS symbols from getting ;; mangled.
;; For most web development tasks, you want to import PS-JS-SYMBOLS, ;; PS-WINDOW-WD-SYMBOLS (which includes DOM level 2 and the w3c Window ;; working draft), and possibly the PS-DOM-NONSTANDARD-SYMBOLS.
and the set-interval function is exported by ps-window-wd-symbols package and not with parenscript package
the defmacro ps:
"Given Parenscript forms (an implicit progn), compiles those forms to a JavaScript string at macro-expansion time. Expands into a form which evaluates to a string.
take a look at the following gist:
(ql:quickload :parenscript)
(ql:quickload :cl-who)
(ql:quickload :clack)
(in-package :ps)
(defvar *canvas-id* "alien-canvas")
(lambda (env)
(list 200
'(:content-type "text/html")
(who:with-html-output-to-string (*standard-output* nil :prologue t :indent t)
(:script :type "text/javascript"
(who:fmt "~A"
(ps (defvar x 0)
(defvar y 0)
(defvar dx 1)
(defvar dy 1)
(defvar img (new -image))
(setf (@ img src) "http://www.lisperati.com/lisplogo_alien_128.png")
(set-interval "draw()" 5)
(defun draw ()
(let ((w 128)
(h 75)
(canvas ((@ document get-element-by-id) #.*canvas-id*)))
(if (or (not canvas) (not (@ canvas get-context)))
(return false))
(let ((ctx ((@ canvas get-context) "2d")))
((@ ctx fill-rect) 0 0 500 500)
(if (and (<= (+ x dx w) 500) (<= 0 (+ x dx)))
(setf x (+ x dx))
(setf dx (* dx -1)))
(if (and (<= (+ y dy h) 500) (<= 0 (+ y dy)))
(setf y (+ y dy))
(setf dy (* dy -1)))
((@ ctx draw-image) img x y))))))))
(:body (:canvas :id *canvas-id* :width 500 :height 500))))))))