
How programs written in interpreted languages are executed if they are never translated into machine language?

Computers can only understand machine language. Then how come interepreters execute a program directly without translating it into machine language? For example:

    echo "Hello, World!" ;

It's a simple Hello World program written in PHP. How does it execute in machine while the machine has no idea what echo is? How does it output what's expected, in this case, the string Hello, World!?


  • Many interpreters, including the official PHP interpreter, actually translate the code to a byte code format before executing it for performance (and I suppose flexibility) reasons, but at its simplest, an interpreter simply goes through the code and performs the corresponding action for each statement. An extremely simple interpreter for a PHP-like language might look like this for example:

    def execute_program(prog)
      for statement in prog.toplevel_statements:
    def execute_statement(statement):
      if statement is an echo statement:
        print( evaluate_expression(statement.argument) )
      else if statement is a for loop:
        while evaluate_expression(statement.condition).is_truthy():
          for inner_statement in statement.body:
      else if ...

    Note that a big if-else-if statement is not actually the cleanest way to go through an AST and a real interpreter would also need to keep track of scopes and a call stack to implement function calls and returns.

    But at its most basic, this is what it boils down to: "If we see this kind of statement, perform this kind of action etc.".

    Except for being much more complex, it isn't really any different from writing a program that responds to user commands where the user could for example type "rectangle" and then you draw a rectangle. Here the CPU also doesn't understand what "rectangle" means, but your code contains something like if user_input == rectangle: [code to draw a rectangle] and that's all you need.