
long table latex

enter image description here

I want to create a table as depicted in the picture. I have used the following code \usepackage{tabulary}

\begin{document} \begin{tabulary}{\linewidth}{LCL}

Pollutant      & Description and sources  & Health and environment effects \\
SO$_2$ & SO$_2$ is formed by oxidation of sulphur (S), mainly through combustion of fuels containing S. The electricity generation sector is the most important source of SO$_2$. SO$_2$ also can contribute to the formation of secondary sulphate particles in the atmosphere. & SO$_2$ aggravates asthma and can reduce lung function and inflame the respiratory tract. It can cause headache, general discomfort and anxiety. SO$_2$ contributes to acid deposition, the impacts of which can be significant, causing damage to forests and ecosystems in rivers and lakes. \\
Nitrogen oxides (NO$_x$). & NO$_x$ is emitted during fuel combustion e.g. from industrial facilities and the road transport sector. NO$_x$ is a group of gases comprising nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO$_2$). NO makes up the majority of NO$_x$ emissions. NO$_x$ contributes to the formation of ozone and particulate matter. & NO$_2$ is associated with adverse effects on health: it can affect the liver, lung, spleen and blood. It can also aggravate lung diseases leading to respiratory symptoms and increased susceptibility to respiratory infection. As with SO$_2$, NO$_x$ contributes to acid deposition but also to eutrophication of soil and water. \\

\end{tabulary} \end{document}

They don't look very nice with the command above. What should I do to make it look more like the one in the picture.


  • You can color table elements with the colortbl package and approximate the green background with the color package, also, just add a few formatting commands to play with font sizes and weights, as well as column widths used by tabulary, cf. documentation.

    The following should give you more or less the desired result:

    \usepackage{tabulary, color, colortbl}
    \bf Pollutant & \bf Description and sources & \bf Health and environment effects \\[5pt]
    \small \bf Sulphur dioxide (SO$_2$) & \small SO$_2$ is formed by oxidation of sulphur (S), mainly through combustion of fuels containing S. The electricity generation sector is the most important source of SO$_2$. SO$_2$ also can contribute to the formation of secondary sulphate particles in the atmosphere. & \small SO$_2$ aggravates asthma and can reduce lung function and inflame the respiratory tract. It can cause headache, general discomfort and anxiety. SO$_2$ contributes to acid deposition, the impacts of which can be significant, causing damage to forests and ecosystems in rivers and lakes. \\
    \small \bf Nitrogen oxides (NO$_x$) & \small NO$_x$ is emitted during fuel combustion e.g. from industrial facilities and the road transport sector. NO$_x$ is a group of gases comprising nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO$_2$). NO makes up the majority of NO$_x$ emissions. NO$_x$ contributes to the formation of ozone and particulate matter. & \small NO$_2$ is associated with adverse effects on health: it can affect the liver, lung, spleen and blood. It can also aggravate lung diseases leading to respiratory symptoms and increased susceptibility to respiratory infection. As with SO$_2$, NO$_x$ contributes to acid deposition but also to eutrophication of soil and water. \\