I'm trying to check the deltaY
in framer scroll event and execute a function only when deltaY == 0
It appears that framer (written in coffeescript) does not have a way of checking for this. Is there another way to say (in pseudocode):
if the change of the Y scrolling has been zero for 30 frames, execute function
framer scroll Events have this method:
found that on this page: https://framer.com/docs/#scroll.scrollcomponent
But if I try this, nothing prints in the else part of the statement
if scrollComp.isMoving
print 'moving'
else if scrollComp.isMoving == false
print 'stopped'
///or this also does not work:
if scrollComp.isMoving
print 'moving'
print 'stopped'
The Coffeescript equivalent of ==
is is
, which is actually equivalent to ===
(checks value and type).
That being said, if scrollComp.isMoving == false
is a little awkward to say, it makes more sense to say something like unless scrollComp.isMoving
or if(!scrollComp.isMoving)
in JS.
Ok, for a solution to your issue (which I don't believe either of the two above things will actually fix), when you are executing these print
statements, more than likely you are doing so when the script starts up instead of doing it in async in an event handler. When your page loads is when your code enters that if/else statement, at which point, you are not scrolling so that will always be false
. To capture the moment of the scroll, and run code when it happens, you need to register an event listener:
scrollComp.onMove ->
// Scrolling here! Do fancy stuff!
print scrollComp.isMoving // 'true'
Now, to be able to trigger a function call 30 seconds after scroll stopped, we have to keep track of the time:
// Define interval as 30 seconds.
// (expressed in milliseconds)
interval = 30*1000
time = Date.now() // set timer to now
scrollComp.onMove ->
// We update the timer every time
// scroller moves.
time = Date.now()
// We need to create an infinite loop
// that will check the time since last
// move of the scroller, and execute
// a function when the time has surpassed
// some threshold.
setInterval ->
if (Date.now() - time) > interval
// It has been 30 seconds since
// scroller last moved.
, 5000
That last 5000
number is just how frequently to run the time check; this will run every 5000 ms.
If you really wanted to count frames, you could dynamically generate that interval
variable by calculating the frame rate and employing some algebraic jujitsu.