I am trying to return multiple objects with the call:
def index
beers = Beer.all
micros = Micros.all
render json: {beers: beers, micro: micros}
However, for both objects is only returning the attributes listed in the respected serializers, not any of the has_many, belongs_to, etc. relationships in the respected serializers.
If I am just trying to return one single object, such as:
def index
beers = Beer.all
render json: beers
Then it works fine and returns all the relationships listed in the serializer.
How do I fix the call with multiple objects to return everything in the serializer, not just the attributes?
hope to help you
def index
@beers = Beer.all
@micros = Micros.all
render json: {
beers: ActiveModel::Serializer::CollectionSerializer.new(@beers, each_serializer: BeerSerializer),
micros: ActiveModel::Serializer::CollectionSerializer.new(@micros, each_serializer: MicroSerializer),