I am using authlogic-connect in Rails. I am using a simple haml template where i dont want to show the authorization providers who are already added.
%h2 My Account
%form.authentication_form{:action => connect_path, :method => :post}
%input{:type => :hidden, :name => :authentication_type, :value => :user}
%legend Add another Oauth or OpenID provider.
- %w(google facebook twitter yahoo).each do |name|
-unless "{user.authenticated_with}" =~ "{name}"
%img{:src => "/images/icons/#{name}.png"}
%input{:type => :radio, :id => "#{name}_oauth_provider", :name => :oauth_provider, :value => name}
%input.submit{:name => :submit, :type => :submit, :value => "Update"}/
I am encountering the error type mismatch: String. The user.authenticated with returns a string.
def authenticated_with
@authenticated_with ||= self.access_tokens.collect{|t| t.service_name.to_s}
What is the possible problem?
ActionView::Template::Error (type mismatch: String given):
7: %ul
8: - %w(google facebook twitter yahoo).each do |name|
9: %li.oauth_provider
10: -unless "{user.authenticated_with}" =~ "{name}"
11: %img{:src => "/images/icons/#{name}.png"}
12: %input{:type => :radio, :id => "#{name}_oauth_provider", :name => :oauth_provider, :value => name}
13: .clearfix
app/views/users/edit.html.haml:10:in `=~'
app/views/users/edit.html.haml:10:in `_app_views_users_edit_html_haml___2062853011_2171399360_0'
app/views/users/edit.html.haml:8:in `each'
app/views/users/edit.html.haml:8:in `_app_views_users_edit_html_haml___2062853011_2171399360_0'
Extracted source (around line #10): -- Shows error on line 10
Pass a regular expression as argument to String#=~:
>> string = "el"
>> "hello" =~ /#{string}/
=> 1