I want to know about, using Accumulo or any other java libraries in SBT projects.
I used Intellij to automatically import libraries, and it imported but getting errors in Intellij and at runtime/project build like:-
Cannot resolve _
. In import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.__
I used these steps to include:-
File > Project Structure > Libraries(In left Pan) > Clicked
+icon located at top left in middle pan > Selected from Maven >
Searched Accumulo and Selected org.apache.accumulo.core.
When you look for Maven dependencies in Maven central it also gives you the syntax for adding the dependencies in several build tools - Including SBT
for instance if you look up Apache Accumulo core
you'd see the SBT usage as : libraryDependencies += "org.apache.accumulo" % "accumulo-core" % "1.8.1"