I am using angular with bower and grunt and I want to load npm modules. I am then using require('my module which is in node_modules') in my main.js but it does not work.
I have tried to download requirejs for bower but still no chance to do it.
The problem is that to load a bower module, it is easy just have to load it in my index.html and find the rightpath such as < /.../.../.../mymodule.js
However this is not the case when using npm as there is not a specific js file in the module.
Thank you for your help.
May be this can help:
To make Require and Import work in the AngularJS framework, use browserify or webpack that bundles your all the javascript files containing require/import into one to resolve the dependencies so that browser can understand require/import syntax, which is otherwise not understood by browsers.
For using browserify when using grunt (app.js is the file containing require, you can specify other files in the array),
browserify: {
options: {
browserifyOptions: {
debug: true,
insertGlobalVars: []
transform: ['brfs' ]
app: {
files: {
node_modules dependencies required to use browserify are: brfs, grunt-browserify