
Gulp-rev different path in manifest.json

I am now trying to generate manifest.json file with gulp-rev. What I need is something like this:

      "img/image.jpg": "folder/img/image-34c9d558b2.jpg";

How do I put that "folder" in path there? I was trying to use gulp-rev-collector but it was not very useful. Could someone give me an example please?



  • What worked for me was using gulp-rename and then doing something like:

      dirname: 'styles',
    .pipe($.rev.manifest('manifest.json', {
      cwd: 'build',
      merge: true,

    However, what ultimately worked for me was using gulp-rev in combination with gulp-rev-collector, the latter which replaces the links as per the mappings found in the manifest files.

    So something like:

      dirname: 'styles',

    And also adding a new rev task for gulp-rev-collector

    // Revision static asset files
    gulp.task('rev', () =>
      gulp.src(['build/**/rev-manifest.json', 'build/*.html'])