I need to fit a label and an image in a table view cell in such a way that the image should be placed immediately next to the label but within the cell visibility. ie., they should look like below,
Smaller text (image)
Multiline text multi-line text multi-line text multi-line text multi-line text multi (image) multi-line text multi-line text
I am trying to achieve this using VFL and no storyboard or nib.
What I tried out :
1. "H:|-[label]-[image(==20)]-|" , "V:|-[label]-|"
This makes the image to always attached to the edge thus the case 1 fails which needs the image near the label. Eg -
case 1 :
Smaller text (image) (not ok)
case 2 :
Multiline text multi-line text multi-line text multi-line text multi-line text multi (image) (ok) multi-line text multi-line text
2. "H:|-[label]-[image(==20)]" , "V:|-[label]-|"
This makes the image near the text thus okay for case 1 whereas that fails for case 2 which does not wrap the text to multiple lines then and the text is extending beyond the cell width. Eg -
case 1 :
Smaller text (image) (ok)
case 2 :
Multiline text multi-line text multi-line text multi... (not ok - text not wrapped to multiple lines, remaining text and image hidden)
How to resolve this? Setting priorities to some constraints would help ?
I don't have much experience with VFL but , I know Autolayout
so I can give you Idea how to resolve
I have seen your both tries
1. "H:|-[label]-[image(==20)]-|" , "V:|-[label]-|"
2. "H:|-[label]-[image(==20)]" , "V:|-[label]-|"
In first try you have fixed image on trailing
on second try you have fixed image with label
What would be combine solution ?
Your clear requirement says that you need your image attached with label trailing also take care about tailing to superview
So clear solution for that problem is
you have to give your imageView
Trailing may be this code [image(==20)]-|
should be changed with Greater than or equal to relation with 0 Constant
it will tells autolayout engine to keep Min 0 Distance from trailing of superview
Sorry I couldn't give you exact code as I don't have much experience with VFL
Hope it will help to you