
JQuery Autocomplete not working on button/link click

I have below code, which is calling jquery JSON autocomplete on button click. It is working as expected only for the very first time, autocomplete is called when i click the commandlink, but next time the autocomplete is triggered when i started typing in the text box (before i click on the command link). It works again when i refresh the page- autocomplete called only when link clicked.

        <tr:inputText id="#{id}" value="#{value}">

    <tr:commandLink id="idGlobalTrigger" partialSubmit="true">
        <tr:image source="/resources/images/tick_light.gif"></tr:image>
    $("#idGlobalTrigger").click(function() {
    /*text box id   */                  
        var jqueryObj = "#"+"#{id}";    
                source : function(request, response) {                      
                        type : "GET",
                        url : "#{facesContext.externalContext.requestContextPath}/GlobalServlet",
                        data : {
                            term : request.term
                        dataType : "json",
                        success : function(
                                data) {
                        error : function(
                                errorThrown) {
                            // alert('Error1'+textStatus +textStatus);



  • I reinitialize the autocomplete on select event. This resolves my issue.

    $(jqueryObj).on("autocompleteselect", function(event,ui) {          
                source : null,
                response: function( event, ui ) {
                    ui.content.push({value:'', id:0, label:''});