What is the best way to add a specific value or values to an array?
$myarray = array("test", "test2", "test3");
$myarray = array_addstuff($myarray, " ");
Which outputs:
array(3) {
string(5) " test"
string(6) " test2"
string(6) " test3"
You could do so like this:
function array_addstuff($a, $i) {
foreach ($a as &$e)
$e = $i . $e;
return $a;
But I'm wondering if there's a faster way, or if this function is built-in.
In the case that you're using a PHP version >= 5.3:
$array = array('a', 'b', 'c');
array_walk($array, function(&$value, $key) { $value .= 'd'; } );