I am trying to test a binary recommendation systems I created with the recommenderlab
package. When I run the calcPredictionAccuracy
function I get the following error:
Error in .local(x, data, ...) : You need to specify how many items were given for the prediction! I have performed numerous searches and can't seem to find any solution to this issue. If I try to add the given argument the error changes to:
error.ubcf<-calcPredictionAccuracy(p.ubcf, getData(test_index, "unknown", given=3)) Error in .local(x, ...) : unused argument (given = 3)
Here is a quick look at my code:
my data set is binary.watch.ratings
affinity.matrix <- as(binary.watch.ratings,"binaryRatingMatrix")
test_index <- evaluationScheme(affinity.matrix[1:1000], method="split",
train=0.9, given=1)
# creation of recommender model based on ubcf
Rec.ubcf <- Recommender(getData(test_index, "train"), "UBCF")
# creation of recommender model based on ibcf for comparison
Rec.ibcf <- Recommender(getData(test_index, "train"), "IBCF")
# making predictions on the test data set
p.ubcf <- predict(Rec.ubcf, getData(test_index, "known"), type="topNList")
# making predictions on the test data set
p.ibcf <- predict(Rec.ibcf, getData(test_index, "known"), type="topNList")
# obtaining the error metrics for both approaches and comparing them
##error occurs with the following two lines
error.ubcf<-calcPredictionAccuracy(p.ubcf, getData(test_index, "unknown"))
error.ibcf<-calcPredictionAccuracy(p.ibcf, getData(test_index, "unknown"))
error <- rbind(error.ubcf,error.ibcf)
rownames(error) <- c("UBCF","IBCF")
This produces the following error:
error.ubcf<-calcPredictionAccuracy(p.ubcf, getData(test_index, "unknown")) Error in .local(x, data, ...) : You need to specify how many items were given for the prediction!
My question is what point in my code must I specify how many items are given for prediction? Is this issue related to the fact that my data is binary?
for topNList, you must specify the number of items you want back. So you add these with the predict() function call:
# making predictions on the test data set
p.ubcf <- predict(Rec.ubcf, getData(test_index, "known"), type="topNList", n=10)
# making predictions on the test data set
p.ibcf <- predict(Rec.ibcf, getData(test_index, "known"), type="topNList", n=10)
By varying n, you will be able to see how it impacts your TP/FP/TN/FN accuracy measures, as well as precision/recall. The calculation methodology for these values is at the bottom of this page: https://github.com/mhahsler/recommenderlab/blob/master/R/calcPredictionAccuracy.R