I have index in Sphinx. One of field in index is URL. And it contains for example next values:
(1) http://u24.ru/news/38417/v-centre-chelyabinska-muzhchina-popytalsya-pereplyt-reku?rss
(2) https://meduza.io/feature/2017/07/10/islamskoe-gosudarstvo-vybili-iz-mosula-chto-budet-dalshe
(3) https://stolica-s.su/sport/athletics/89078
How I try to search by url (part of code):
$query = $this->manager->makeQuery()
$url = str_replace(
['=', '&', '?', '-', '%'],
[' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '],
$url = $query->escapeMatch($url);
$query->match('url', $url);
var_dump($query->execute()->fetchAllAssoc()); // empty
Is any way to search with Sphinx without using fulltext searching?
You can make a hash of URL and store it, then compare by hash:
$query = $this->manager->makeQuery()
->where('hash', '=', Hasher::hash($url));
Hint for query builder: http://foolcode.github.io/SphinxQL-Query-Builder/