
Split text into smaller parts identified by needle

I want to split a string like this one :

'This <p>is</p> a <p>string</p>'

I want to get 4 strings :

So I want to find <p></p> and its content one by one to split it. How can I do it keeping the same sequence ?

I can get 'This' with that code : $html1 = strstr($html, '<p', true); but I don't know how to continue splitting and how to do it for variable strings with many needles (at least 2 different needles). Can you help me with it ?


  • You could use preg_split with some options ($s is the input string):

    preg_split("#\s*(<p>.*?</p>)\s*#", $s, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

    This returns an array. For your sample input it returns:

    ["This", "<p>is</p>", "a", "<p>string</p>"]