I'm learning how to implement third party APIs into my rails app but struggling handling error responses.
More specifically, I'm trying to implement Full Contact API with the gem fullcontact-api-ruby. I've sorted out the authentication with my API Key and have made some request via the console using the gem methods without a problem.
I'm now trying to use the API wrapper methods inside a Profiles Controller. The idea is to:
I started writing a code like:
# controllers/profiles_controller.rb
def create
@intel = FullContact.person(email: params[:email])
if @intel[:status].to_s[0] != "2"
flash[:error] = @intel[:status]
redirect_to profiles_path
# Code to create and populate a Profile instance
As success responses have status codes in the 200s I assumed I would extract the code from the Json object and check if it starts with 2, in which case I'd proceed with the instance creation. This sort of works if the response is OK as I'm able to work with a Json object stored in @intel. However, when the response is in the 400s,500s Rails triggers an exception that crashes Rails not allowing me to work with any JSON object:
FullContact::NotFound in ProfilesController#create
GET https://api.fullcontact.com/v2/person.json?apiKey=MY_API_KEY&email=THE_EMAIL_IM_USING_AS_PARAMETER: 404
I'm clearly doing something wrong. I've tried avoiding the raised exception with rescue StandardError => e
which works but I wonder what's the proper way to handle this errors in my controller. Any help?
If I rescue the exception just after the request like this:
def create
@intel = FullContact.person(email: params[:email])
rescue FullContact::NotFound
if @intel.nil?
flash[:error] = "Can't process request try again later"
redirect_to profiles_path
# Code to create and populate a Profile instance
@intel is set to nil (i.e. not set to the response JSON object). I figured I just change the conditional to check if @intel is nil but for some weird reason when the response is successful and @intel is set to a JSON object the first conditional doesn't lead to the method to the object creation. Not sure how to set @intel to the JSON response even when the response has failed.
The idea of the rescue
block is to define the actions that happen when you rescue from the error.
The correct way to structure your method would be...
def create
@intel = FullContact.person(email: params[:email])
# Code to create and populate a Profile instance
rescue FullContact::NotFound
flash[:error] = "Can't process request try again later"
redirect_to profiles_path
The code that appears after the rescue
is executed when rescued, otherwise ignored.
the format is
# normal code which may or may not encounter a raised error, if no
# raised error, it continues to normal completion
# code that is only executed if there was a rescued error
# code that always happens, regardless of rescue or not, could be
# used to ensure necessary cleanup happens even if an exception raised
A method is by itself a full begin
block, so doesn't need the begin
and end
in the above format outline.
You don't need an ensure
block, just added that to show that capability exists. There's also the possibility to use else
with rescue
but that's for another day :)