I am generating a (GraphViz) "dot" file for a given set of nodes, and edges. The nodes are ordered in y-dimension with rank=same, in x-dimension within the rank. The edges are sorted in the order they should be drawn. Unfortunately "dot" does not respect the order in the x-dimension. If it would, I would achieve a crossing-free layout for plane digraphs. No matter if they are cyclic, or acyclic.
My questions:
Sorry, was not able to upload the dot file.Sample.dot file
Thanks a lot. I thougt "rank=same;0;8;" implicitly means the same as "rank=same;0->8 [style=invis];". Anyways, my concern was not the crossing edge. This seems to be a bug, because there is enough place left to (6) and (2) to draw a line. One has to move everything a little to right. My algorithm generates an order such that every tree (green) edge can be drawn down/right, every cross (orange) edge down/left, and every back (red) edge up/left. With no crossings, if the graph is plane. In order to achieve this, (8) must be drawn to the right of (0). I am really happy, because exactly this happens, if I use your technique.
digraph {
graph [charset=latin1, size ="19,46, 11,12"]
node [shape=box, fontname="Comic Sans MS", fontsize=8, height=0.2, width=0.2, ordering=out]
{ rank=same; 0 -> 8 [style=invis]; }
{ rank=same; 1; }
{ rank=same; 2; }
{ rank=same; 5 -> 9; [style=invis]; }
{ rank=same; 6 -> 7 -> 10; [style=invis]; }
{ rank=same;3; }
{ rank=same;4; }
0 -> 1 [color=green]
1 -> 2 [color=green]
8 -> 2 [color=orange]
2 -> 5 [color=green]
5 -> 6 [color=green]
6 -> 2 [color=red, tailport=w, headport=w]
5 -> 7 [color=green]
7 -> 4 [color=green]
2 -> 3 [color=green]
2 -> 9 [color=green]
9 -> 10 [color=green]
10 -> 3 [color=orange]
3 -> 4 [color=orange]
and the layout of it1