I have this class ProfitLoss
which consists of these fields. I want to call this method zero_if_blank
on before_validation
as before_save
is not working and what i want to do is assign 0 to those values which are blank and are of Integer
when coming from the form. I searched a lot like the Mysql columns_hash
but didn't find any method to give the type of each field in mongo.
class ProfitLoss < Generic
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
include MongoMysqlRelations
field :fiscal_year, type: String
field :sales_excluding_other_incomes, type: Integer
field :other_incomes, type: Integer
field :closing_stock, type: Integer
before_validation :zero_if_blank
def zero_if_blank
pp self.columns_hash.each {|k,v| puts "#{k} => #{v.type}"}
this piece of code did the work :)
def zero_if_blank
self.fields.each do |k,v|
if v.type == Integer && self.attributes[k] == nil
self.__send__("#{k}=", 0)