
Error aroused when installing pymol on CentOS 7 from source

I am trying to intall pymol on my centos 7 system from source using the mothed discribed at pymolwiki (https://pymolwiki.org/index.php/Linux_Install) Everything was ok until I run install script:

#!/bin/bash -e


# If you want to install as root, then split this line up in "build"
# and "install" and run the "install" with "sudo"
python2.7 setup.py build install \
    --home=$prefix \
    --install-lib=$modules \

I got a error message and the installation process was terminated:

In file included from contrib/mmtf-c/mmtf_parser.cpp:31:0: contrib/mmtf-c/mmtf_parser_private.h:38:23: fatal error: msgpack.hpp: No such file or directory #include ^ compilation terminated.

I then installed msgpack by yum command and tried to run the pymol install script again, but the same error still occurred.

I googled this problem but cannot find a answer. Could anyone help me here?

Best regards.

Yeping Sun


  • You need to have the developer package of msgpack installed.

    yum install msgpack-devel.x86_64

    Fixed it for me.

    There were a few other ways of doing it listed here:
