I am working in the hook. When I create a record from subpanel it doesn't trigger the hook. But when I use link existing record
the hook is executing. Which hook should we use when create
from a subpanel.
$hook_array['after_relationship_add'][] = array(
'after relationship hook',
Community Link: https://community.sugarcrm.com/message/94290-subpanel-create-dosent-trigger-hook
If you want to trigger your code on creation of record then you will need to use after_save and before_save logic hooks. See this link for further details: http://support.sugarcrm.com/Documentation/Sugar_Developer/Sugar_Developer_Guide_6.5/Module_Framework/Logic_Hooks/Module_Hooks/
Last but not least, create from module or sub-panel trigger same hooks (after and before) so no difference in creation from sub-panel and module.
Hopefully provided documentation is clear enough.